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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Almost Big Boy Slim Jim

Do you remember Big Boy Slim Jims?  Maybe I am dating myself, is Big Boy still around?  In my younger days the place to "be" was Big Boy on a Friday or Saturday night, hanging out for hours, hanging with all your friends.  Somehow the smell of all that deep fried food permeated the smell of cigarette smoke that was thick in the air, this was back in the day when nobody knew just how harmful tobacco smoke was, not sure what we thought, but we sure didn't think there was any harm in it. Anyway, I digress, this is a Big Boy Slim Jim wannabe, and it comes pretty close!  Have a few napkins handy to wipe the drips and take a bite of nostalgia..... wonderful!

Almost Big Boy Slim Jim

1 c. mayo
1 T. finely chopped onion
2 T. dill pickle relish (I chopped up dill pickle)
2 T. dill pickle juice

Mix ahead and let be in fridge awhile if possible (I often don't).

Hoagie buns
Swiss cheese

Brown ham. I prefer regular left over ham, not lunch meat.  Heat a frying pan and liberally grease it with butter.  Then put the hoagie bun face down and lightly brown.  Flip bun over on frying pan and spread Big boy sauce on bottom (or both) sides of bun.  Layer ham, swiss cheese, tomato and lettuce.  Close bun and flatten with spatula.  Serve and demolish!
WW PointsPlus™ = Dressing only, using light mayo = 1 pt. per tablespoon


  1. Looks good and believe it or not, we do still have Big Boy's around here. And they still do have the best Slim Jim's. Karen

    1. Haven't seen a Big Boy in many years, sure does bring back memories.


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